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World AIDS Day 2024

HIV/AIDS has had a huge impact on the LGBTQ+ community and many of us have been personally touched by the loss and fear associated with the epidemic. With today’s prevention and treatment, we could effectively eradicate HIV/AIDS, but to achieve this we need to continue to raise awareness which is where the work of charities like Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is so important. World AIDS day is a time to reflect and remember the millions of lives lost around the world over the past 45 years, to support those living with HIV/AIDS today, and to push for access to prevention and treatment so we can consign the disease to history.

On Thursday / Friday 28th / 29th November 2024, volunteers from Transport for London, the Department for Transport, KPMG, and Network Rail collected for THT at three London mainline stations, raising over £1,700 in the process. Read more about it in Rémi Ratail's Linkedin post here. There is also a fantastic article by Paul McGunnigle-White, Diversity & Inclusion Manager at Trenitalia c2c, with practical ideas for how the transport industry can help to promote greater awareness of testing, prevention, treatment, and to support colleagues with HIV/AIDS here: World AIDS Day 2024: How can the Rail Industry help?

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